Back to Ghost


I've been using Hugo as a Static Site Generator for a few years, but have always had some issues and quirks with how the look and feel is. Themes are very boring and uninspiring, and they are a little too complicated to properly change and customize them to my liking. I even took a "starter" theme and tried to make it my own, but after messing around with it for a few weeks, I just got to where I didn't care anymore.

Ghost was a platform that I used for a short time but moved back to Hugo because I was in a "minimalistic" phase for all of my computing things. How silly. It didn't take me long to realize that it's all about using the right tool for the job and not worrying about the morals, companies, and cult behind the product.

And although I appreciate Hugo and the workflow that I've created around it, I'm just craving something that looks better, something that can be mainly controlled within the web browser, and doesn't need to be complicated. Heck, I don't write on my blog often.

I took some time trying to get Grav up and working, but found some issues with the Docker container, trying to get additional themes to work properly. Ghost just works and the default theme isn't too shabby.

So here we are. Let's see if Ghost will work out.